‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Apartment Communities are Natural Curators

Apartment communities are in an excellent position to add immense value for their residents and prospects by becoming expert curators of all things hyper local. Not sure if everyone knows what “Content Curation” means, or what we are referring to, so here is a quick definition: “The practice of Content Curation is a gathering of information (sorting, categorizing, directing, and presenting) such that material from multiple sources creates a unique editorial experience for readers/visitors.” It seems that apartment communities would be natural curators. Curation is about adding value from humans who add their qualitative judgment to whatever is being gathered…

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Is Anyone Paying Attention to Your Facebook Fan Page Posts?

As marketers know, sometimes airing on the side of being provocative can yield great results. However, that can be a slippery slope, as we found out Saturday morning.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: How Are You Treating Your Best Residents and Prospects?

As you nurture and grow your digital footprint, the dynamics change. What you did to attract the fans and followers may not be the best things to do to keep them engaged.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: More Web Traffic May Not Yield More Rentals

As we gain more clients, in many instances we are seeing significant increases in web traffic but poor conversions from web traffic to actual rentals. There might be a reason for this.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Who Owns the Residents’ Experience?

What if leasing agents owned the entire resident experience, from lease to move out? What if we gave them enough autonomy and authority to actually solve resident problems?

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Branded Media’s Hidden Benefits

There is something known as the corridor of opportunity. The gist is that many times some of the greatest fruit bears itself once we are immersed in the process.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Why Are You Poking Your Best Customers in the Eye?

Are you raising the rent across the board on each renewal? If you are, you are poking your best customers in the eye at lease renewal.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Is Your Apartment Marketing Working?

Instead of always talking to prospects, we have to help prospects talk to each other.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: When Marketing Becomes Media

How were you spending your marketing budget 10 years ago? Is it really all that different today? It should be.

‘On the Ground’ with Eric Brown: Are You Overpaying for Rental Leads?

By expanding your online presence, a lot of your apartment leads can be, and should be, coming to you for free.

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