McShane Construction Reveals New Amenities in Phase III
McShane Construction has begun comprehensive construction of the Phase III expansion of The Lodge of Northbrook in Northbrook, Ill.
By Jeffrey Steele, Contributing Writer
Rosemont, Ill.—McShane Construction has begun comprehensive construction of the Phase III expansion of The Lodge of Northbrook in Northbrook, Ill. The 37,880-square-foot expansion follows the company’s successful completion of the 58-unit Phase I and the new 20-unit Phase II at the development.
Phase III will add 18 fully featured one- and two-bedroom units and two-bedroom-with-den configurations to the residential community. The residences feature spacious kitchens, a private patio terrace, large closets and in-unit washer-dryers, along with upscale finishes that include granite countertops, hardwood flooring in kitchen and foyer and stainless steel appliances.
“McShane Construction Company had previously completed the project’s Phases I and II and was knowledgeable of the project design, materials, scope and objectives,” McShane Construction Company president Jeffrey A. Raday told MHN. “We had also created a very positive and productive relationship with the owner, Essex Communities, the architect JSSH Architects, Inc. and the members of the Building Department within the Village of Northbrook.
“McShane had previously delivered on its commitments in its prior assignments at this development to meet the owner’s completion date and budget requirements. Since quality workmanship was also a highly-valued attribute of this luxury senior residential project, McShane’s commitment and standards worked well to meet the expectations of the residents and the owner.”
The development’s Phase III component will include an additional elevator, new informal dining room and underground parking expansion. Exterior finishes of the new phase will use a masonry façade, window systems and color scheme mirroring those previously incorporated in the existing residential structure.
The detailed planning, coordination and scheduling required for a phased delivery can be a hurdle, Raday reported. “McShane Construction’s commitment to maintaining a safe and undisturbed atmosphere for the individuals who reside at The Lodge of Northbrook remains our priority,” he said.
“This requires a very deliberate and customized operation and schedule to limit any effect that the construction activity would impact on the current residents of the complex.”
The Lodge of Northbrook enjoys a reputation for quality, convenience, amenities and comfort, according to Raday. Additional units that McShane has completed in Phase II and is currently constructing in Phase III will enable the development to provide greater opportunities for interaction and additional spaces that can be enjoyed by all residents at The Lodge.
“Our continued attention to quality and workmanship aligns with the needs of The Lodge’s active seniors and the goals of Essex Communities in providing an enriched living experience for the residents that they serve,” Raday said.
Construction on Phase III of The Lodge of Northbrook is expected to be complete in December 2015.