Communicating With Prospective Renters in an Email-Light World
There are more ways than ever to communicate, and yet getting our message into the right hands for the right response is more difficult than ever.
In the words of one-hit wonder 10cc, “Communication is the problem to the answer.” We’ve gone from dispatching handwritten letters to typing emails; from exchanging text messages to publicly posting tiny, 10-second videos of ourselves wearing digitally affixed dog ears. More ways than ever to communicate and yet getting our message into the right hands for the right response is more difficult than ever.
Since our communication channels are in constant evolution, marketers are continually refocusing efforts on reaching both prospective and existing renters—particularly the younger millennials (the group born between 1977 and 1995) and Generation Z’ers (the group born between 1995 and 2014). These generations are checking their email—if they even have email—less often, and they find it to be an outdated method of communication. In fact, you probably won’t find Gen Z’ers—the world’s first generation of true digital natives—looking anywhere other than at a smartphone.