5 Hybrid Event Ideas for Residents

We’ve put together a list of interactive ways to combine in-person and virtual activities for your community members.

virtual event ideas

Image by Mircea via Pixabay

More than two years into the pandemic, outdoor activities supplemented most virtual hangouts. Even so, despite high vaccination rates and a decrease in coronavirus cases, there are some who can’t freely enjoy the same benefits—especially with other COVID-19 variants rising. That’s where hybrid event ideas come into play.

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As we continue to embrace the “new normal,” hybrid events are gaining steam thanks to their versatility and accessibility. By combining in-person activities with online elements, you get the best of both worlds. Keeping in mind that some residents might still need to be virtual, Multi-Housing News put together a list of exciting hybrid event ideas for your residents.

Classes—of any kind!

The more you live, the more you learn—or so they say. But there’s never a bad time to get a new skill or learn something new. Find out the things your residents would like to know more about by using polls or social media. Hire a professional to teach those classes or ask a resident. These shared experiences are for everyone to enjoy, regardless of their physical location.

You can’t go wrong with cooking classes. This activity allows residents to participate from the comfort of their home while keeping their mind, hands and senses busy. Virtual homebrewing is also another trend that’s been gaining steam. Crafting beer is a fun, creative and rewarding hobby—not to mention tasty!

Video game tournaments

Gaming has become a favorite pastime in the digital century, and not only among young people. Challenge your residents’ inner player through a hybrid video game tournament. Turn your community’s garden into a game arena by using a projector, find the right lights and stream the event for everyone’s enjoyment.

Avid players? Offer them gift cards on Steam! Just do some research before: keep your eyes on the charts but also find out the games they’re into and what they’ve played before.

Open mic night

Open mic nights are a great way to bring residents together through moments of fun and togetherness. The best thing about this? Residents confined in their homes can sing along, too. Tune into their frequencies and create a special playlist with the songs they like or throw in an impromptu Zoom live act. Face-to-face or not, the show must go on!

Book club

Reading is better together. A book club is a great way to bring avid readers under the same roof and on the same screen. A monthly resident book club can be a great way to get residents connect on a deeper level and talk about what they’re passionate about.

Fitness/Meditation classes

Wellness classes are highly attractive because gym memberships can be expensive while going to a fitness center is not an option for many. Make your residents feel comfortable by inviting an instructor to teach live and online lessons in popular activities like Yoga. Meditation classes can also provide a relief for residents who suffer from pandemic-induced anxiety.