Virtual Tour’s New Web-Based Software for Brokers

Dublin, Calif.—VirtualTourCafe has launched MyCafeBroker, a web-based back-office software solution for low-cost, high-performance virtual tours and online marketing management.

Dublin, Calif.—VirtualTourCafe has launched MyCafeBroker, a web-based back-office software solution for low-cost, high-performance virtual tours and online marketing management.

With the software, brokers get oversight of office online marketing, including the ability to add, edit and delete agents as well as access agent accounts for office administrator support. Also included are broker-level weekly statistical reports for agent activity, providing a graphical view of how the broker marketing dollars are being used to drive buyers and sellers to the office listings.

The agent A la Carte Menu has options starting under $10.00 per tour, and unlimited tours are $39.99 per monthly subscription.