Top Marketers: Staying a Step Ahead of Change

Morgan Properties’ Kim Boland talks with MHN's Jordana Rothberg about some of her top initiatives: geofencing, catering to AI searches, virtual tours and more.

Digital marketing moves fast, in every sense. And with the help of AI and modern technology, it’s about to get even quicker. But Kim Boland, the director of digital marketing, Morgan Properties, knows how to keep up.

Boland leads the development, implementation and maintenance of digital marketing initiatives for the company’s expanding portfolio. She brings 15 years of experience to the table and in her role, she heads up Morgan Properties’ online presence and supports its promotional efforts for both apartment communities and corporate ventures. Throughout her tenure at Morgan Properties, Boland has earned numerous accolades and awards.

In this Top Marketers podcast episode, Boland talks with Multi-Housing News Senior Associate Editor Jordana Rothberg about where she has seen the industry change so far and what initiatives she is prioritizing moving forward. Spoiler alert: social media and digital tours are big.

Listen in to learn more about:

  • Boland’s background with car dealerships and how she got to Morgan Properties (1:00)
  • The changes Boland has seen in digital marketing since she first started marketing (4:05)
  • Marketing techniques that have been phased out (5:40)
  • The importance that social media plays in Morgan Properties’ marketing strategies (7:35)
  • How the increasing use of AI as a search engine changes social media techniques (9:00)
  • The initiatives that Boland is the most focused on now (12:25)
  • Why it’s important to evaluate and update chatbots (15:15)
  • Geofencing and targeting preferred employers (18:10)
  • Boland’s #1 initiative and the marketing techniques backing it (19:50)
  • The pros and cons to implementing virtual tours (21:45)
  • How does a marketer choose what to do? And how do they implement it? (23:05)
  • Changes that are coming to the marketing industry, like it or not (24:45)

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