Report Finds Gender Gap in Home Values Among Single Men and Women

RealtyTrac explores gender discrepancy in home-ownership rates.

gender gap chart

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Irvine, Calif.—RealtyTrac has released an analysis showing homes owned by single men on average are valued 10 percent more and have appreciated $10,112 (16 percent) more since purchase than homes owned by single women. The analysis covered more than 2.1 million single-family homes nationwide owned by either single men (1,139,493) or single women (1,011,572) based on public record tax assessor data collected by the company.

The average estimated current market value of homes owned by single men was $255,226, or 10 percent higher than the average current market value of homes owned by single women ($229,094). Also, homes owned by single men have gained an average of $63,921 since purchase, a 33 percent return on purchase price. That was $10,112 more than the average $53,809 gain since purchase for homes owned by single women, a 31 percent return on purchase price.

What accounts for the difference? “Women earn less than men on average, 19 percent less in 2015 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, giving them less purchasing power when it comes to buying a home,” said Daren Blomquist, senior vice president at RealtyTrac. “So it’s not surprising to see the 10 percent gender gap in average home values between single men and single women homeowners.”

The report also found that the housing gender gap widens with more years of homeownership. Among homes owned for at least 15 years, those owned by single men on average had a current market value of $288,912; 17 percent higher than the average current market value of homes owned by single women of $240,166.

Homes owned for at least 15 years by single men have gained an average of $170,765 since purchase, a 145 percent return on purchase price. That was $36,496 more than the average $134,269 gain since purchase for homes owned at least 15 years by single women, a 127 percent return on purchase price.

Average values of homes owned by single men were the highest above average values of homes owned by single women in the District of Columbia (14 percent higher), followed by Florida (12 percent), West Virginia (12 percent), Wisconsin (12 percent), Texas (10 percent) and Alabama (10 percent).

There were only three states where the average values of homes owned by single women were higher than the average values of homes owned by single men: Massachusetts (11 percent higher), Kentucky (2 percent) and Kansas (1 percent).