Five Apartment Building Amenities That Might Not Be Worth the Investment

Sometimes buildings have amenities that renters don't necessarily want or need. Here are five amenities that might not be worth the investment. Do you agree?

By Jessica Fiur, News Editor

All apartment buildings offer some amenities. And because more and more people are living in apartments nowadays, developers have started adding all sorts of new amenities to their buildings. Then other buildings add these same amenities to compete with them, and soon these features become pretty standard.

But just because something is popular doesn’t always make it a great idea. Some amenities might seem like a “must have” for renters, but they might actually be, at best, a “nice to have,” and at worst, a “never use.”

Here are five amenities that developers might be able to save money and space on by avoiding.

Screening room. It seems like the amenity du jour. Many buildings now have screening rooms. But no one seems to ever use them!

Read the rest of the list here.