Ariel Property Advisors Launches Landlord Dashboard

Ariel Property Advisors has launched two new web-service tools to better serve its client base, made mostly for investors and property owners.

Ariel Property Advisors recently launched two new web tools at to better serve its client base, made mostly for investors and property owners. Landlord Dashboard is an application that allows commercial real estate investors and landlords access to 10 sections concerned with market and expense information. The sections will display changes in several economic indicators and operating building expenses since January 2003.

Ariel has also launched the Comp-Track System, a search engine specializing in comparable sales with a series of user-set parameters that aid in the case of a more specific search. The system comprises recorded sales of over $1 million from 2003 to December 2010 in various specific domains of real estate transactions.

Ariel President Shimon Shkury says that this proprietary database effectively tracks every important piece of real estate information that the company deals with. The move is one for completing the range of services Ariel already provides, better including web-based services in the palette of possibilities the user has when dealing with the company.

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