3 Keys to Unlock a Marketing Plan

Steps to provide a balanced approach to supporting occupancy at a community.

Image courtesy of Multifamily Insiders

There are three keys to unlock the monthly marketing plan.

We need to evaluate and analyze our occupancy. Between the homes that are currently vacant. Adding the exposure for upcoming renewals. Then consider the apartments that are on notice. We can then determine whether or not we have a sufficient number of interested prospects for these homes.

We can then determine what actions will increase or finalize lease offers to maintain and improve occupancy.  Some ideas could include:

Open house events, inviting preferred employers and reviewing guest cards for previous prospects.


As we consider apartments that are coming available, we need to evaluate our product. Its important to maintain an appropriate inventory of ready apartments. Seasonal focal points and accessories in the furnished model will create a fresh appearance. Several times a year, there are published notes about the the color of the year.  

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