When Choosing a Deck, Pick One to Last

The resort-style pool and sun deck is really the shining star of the rental amenity space. It is also the most expensive to construct and maintain. There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to deck materials, but the sheer volume of traffic an apartment deck sees makes composite construction a necessity.

Fiberon Horizon

New London, N.C.—The resort-style pool and sun deck space is really the shining star of the luxury rental amenity space. It is also the most expensive to construct and maintain. There are a lot of choices when it comes to materials for a deck, but the sheer volume of traffic an apartment deck sees makes composite construction a necessity. If you are worried that your residents might think a faux wood deck looks chintzy, have no fear. The technology of composite decking has come a long way since the early 1990s when it was first introduced.

Fiberon Horizon

Fiberon Horizon is on the forefront of aesthetically pleasing, low maintenance composite decking materials. The company employs a patent-pending PermaTech non-organic surface that encases a composite deck core. The surface—which your residents will walk, drag furniture across and even dance on if you know how to throw a party—offers industry leading stain, fade, scratch and mold resistant protection. But best of all it only requires occasional cleaning with just soap and water. It is backed by a 25-year limited warranty.

Horizon with PermaTech comes in five colors that require no staining or painting. Available in 12-, 16- and 20-foot lengths, each board is also reversible and comes with natural wood grain patterns. The decks can also contribute to your green building scorecard with points for recycled content. Horizon decking has 74 percent recycled content and 8 percent reclaimed content.

For more information on Fiberon visit their website.