‘What Renters Want’ with Jessica Fiur: Can You Back Up Your Community’s ‘Wow’ Factor?

It's great to have really cool amenities. But renters are also looking for a nice, safe place to live. Do you offer both?

By Jessica Fiur, News Editor

Does your apartment community have a “wow” factor, such asa bowling alley, a golf simulator, or an Olympic-size pool? Well, that’s great. Especially if your community is located in an area with lots of apartment buildings, like a major city, than it’s important to have a hook to get renters interested in your building.

But can you back that amenity up with a quality living space?

Are your units all upgraded with new kitchen appliances? Have the carpets been cleaned and the walls been repainted? Do you have a way for residents to pay their rent and make maintenance requests online? These aren’t as exciting as, say, a bowling alley, but they’ll keep your residents happier in the long run.

Read the rest of the blog here.

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