Washington University Pre-Med Student Wins Broadway Show Tickets Through ForRent.com Contest

Meghan Wright, a 22 year-old pre-med student at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. recently entered a contest and won tickets to the RENT Broadway show.

St. Louis, Mo.–Meghan Wright, a 22 year-old pre-med student at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. recently entered a contest on whim. The contest required her to become a fan of the ForRent.com Facebook fan page and upload photos of her roommate and her living “la vie Boheme” in their apartment. The reward: A chance to win tickets to the final performance of “RENT: The Broadway Tour” in Sacramento, Calif.

ForRent.com Facebook fan page visitors were encouraged to vote on their favorite photo through the “like” feature. The top five most ‘liked’ photos, and others, were submitted to the cast of RENT to select a winner.

‘No day, but today,’ the recurring theme that inspired RENT: The Broadway Tour cast members to live every day like it’s their last, resonated with Wright, who has deadly food allergies. Simply walking past or eating the wrong foods could be harmful to her health. As a RENT fanatic, she entered the contest on a whim.

“My roommate Mary and I both have deadly food allergies,” says Wright. “Eating or even smelling the wrong foods can result in serious allergic reactions for us. Because of that, we really value the ‘no day, but today’ message. RENT: The Broadway Tour is amazing and has such a positive message. Without the ‘Viva la Vie Boheme’ contest we might not have been able to see the show that holds such a special meaning for us.”

All submissions can be seen in the fan photos section on the ForRent.com Facebook fan page.