Sustainable Amenities Most Wanted by Renters

The most-requested green features? Composting, electric car charging stations and efficient appliances.

Image via Pixabay

Sustainability was the topic for this month’s partnership with Kingsley Associates. Residents from a wide swath of U.S. cities shared their thoughts on the kinds of sustainable features and amenities they’d like to see in their communities.

“I love the building’s commitment to living green. In that vein, it would be great if the building had a composting program.” –Chicago, Ill.

“It would cool to have smart thermometers for heating/cooling in the apartments.  Also, collection of food waste for composting would be nice. Even better, a community garden on site would be a great investment.” –Huntington, Calif.

“Electric car charging stations in the parking lot! My old apartment had it. Would love to have that option so we could charge overnight!” –Dallas, Texas

“I think it would be nice to get some energy efficient appliances.  The current ones we have are starting to become a bit outdated (they were installed in 2003).” –Los Angeles, Calif.

“Maybe outdoor security and appearance could be improved by replacing the lightbulbs with energy efficient daylight lightbulbs.” –Atlanta, Ga.

“Composting would be wonderful, and just overall encouragement and education of other sustainable methods.” –New Haven, Conn.

“Having more than one garbage dumpster & also having recycling services.  It really is environmentally irresponsible not to have recycling.” –Munhall, Pa.

“Yes, I would like the community to be more environmentally responsible by providing on-site recycling and add solar panels to the roof or grounds to reduce our carbon footprint.” –Framingham, Mass.

“Appliance that are more energy efficient. More heat efficiency. Windows are drafty with a lot of cold air coming through. Heat bill is high.” –Aliso Viejo, Calif.

“Creating a more green, sustainable building by adding chargers for electric cars, a recyclable plan per floor. Bulbs that are eco-friendly and possibly smart thermostats.” –Coral Gables, Fla.