Oatey’s Drain Seal Provides Added Protection for Buildings

The seal protects drains from gases, insects and harmful elements without sacrificing continuous drainage.

Oatey Drain Seal. Image courtesy of Oatey

Oatey has introduced its Drain Seal system, designed for basements, utility rooms, laundry rooms, building gyms and other areas in buildings with drains that aren’t regularly used, as well as drains that require everyday usage.

The drainage solution prevents water in the P-trap from evaporating, which can cause the drain to lose its seal.

The Oatey Drain Seal features a one-way valve that prevents sewer gases, odors and insects from entering your building.

The product’s design eliminates pooling around the drain and protects your building from any harmful elements that can enter, without restricting water flow.

The Drain Seal can be easily installed without any tools and is available in two styles that accommodate 2- or 3-inch pipes.

The product can be fitted in most general-purpose floor and shower drains without impacting performance.