Mutual Housing Chosen as Local Lead for Assets and Opportunity Network
Sacramento|Yolo Mutual Housing Association recently was chosen to lead the Corporation for Enterprise Development’s (CFED) new Assets and Opportunity Network in the local area.
Sacramento, Calif.—Sacramento|Yolo Mutual Housing Association recently was chosen to lead the Corporation for Enterprise Development’s (CFED) new Assets and Opportunity Network in the local area.
As the local lead for the network, Mutual Housing will continue offer financial workshops at their 16 communities in Sacramento and Yolo County. Mutual Housing has been offering these workshops since 1999.
The nonprofit CFED works to alleviate poverty and create economic opportunity. To do so, CFED helps low-income people build savings —and people without bank accounts learn how to use the financial system.
Since home ownership is the single largest part of most people’s wealth, CFED also helps bring home ownership to low-income people. And, since owning a business is another avenue to wealth, CFED works with nonprofit organizations nationwide to help people start their own businesses.