How Can Property Managers Use IGTV

After launching its Instagram Stories a while ago, Facebook created a full-screen, vertical version of it, IGTV—a more creative way property managers can post longer videos of a property.

Instagram is currently one of the most popular apps, which features users who just want to share their day-to-day activities, to small businesses that want to growth their number of followers, to property managers or owners using it to market their community, or to bigger companies selling items.

Since Facebook acquired it back in 2012 for $1 billion from Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram has launched plenty of new features to keep users interested. After launching Instagram Stories, a feature that allows you to share a photo/video in a more creative, interactive and fun way, Facebook has recently added IGTV, a new app for watching long-form, vertical videos.

What is IGTV?

While there is a stand-alone IGTV app, you can also watch from within the Instagram app. It’s built exactly how you see your phone, so videos are full screen and vertical, and it’s longer than Instagram Stories—it can be up to an hour long. Additionally, it turns on just like a TV, meaning that it plays as soon as you open the app. But how can property managers take advantage of this new feature? They can create new visual content to connect their communities and expand their audience reach in order to attract more residents.

Unlike the stories, with IGTV property owners can post video tours of the property that won’t be disappearing after 24 hours. Another cool video idea is making interviews: Q&As with property managers, or even residents which are renting a property asking their opinion and then putting together a different kind of survey. It can be like a feedback received from renters that can be used to improve the community and implicit, to attract more residents. IGTV is a great platform where property managers, developers or operators can keep its audience in only one place, from posting high-quality, interesting photos, to short instastories or now, to longer videos on IGTV, all in one app.