FHA Reform Efforts Must Ensure Borrowers Have Access to Affordable Home Loans

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) expressed support for congressional efforts to reform the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) but urged lawmakers to proceed in a cautious manner to avoid any disruptions to the nation's housing finance system.

Washington, D.C.—With tight mortgage lending standards preventing well-qualified home buyers from obtaining home loans and impeding the housing and economic recovery, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) expressed support for congressional efforts to reform the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) but urged lawmakers to proceed in a cautious manner to avoid any disruptions to the nation’s housing finance system.

In 2006 before the housing downturn hit, FHA’s share of the market was a meager 3 percent as private financial institutions boasted a healthy presence. When the housing downturn hit, there was a role reversal, as private players fled the market and FHA-insured mortgages became the only credit option for first-time home buyers, minorities and those with limited downpayment capabilities.