Does Your Leasing Office Have Weekend Hours?

There are many benefits to allowing prospects to tour units on Saturdays and Sundays.

Image from Multifamily Insiders.

There are many benefits to weekend hours in the leasing center.

Property management is a customer service industry. We provide, service and maintain homes for our residents.

While we do have prospects that visit the leasing center on weekdays, its generally on the way to or from, squeezed in during the lunch hour or doctors visit ended quickly.

Any one of these quick spur of the moment visits, is the foundation for the “I’m just looking around, not planning to make a decision” introduction before we even started to complete our guest card.

By acknowledging the importance of this decision, the value of the follow up visit increases. We can schedule the weekend appointment on the calendar. This guarantees time and attention for their future home decision. There are lots of details we can focus on, with a little more time:

  • bring the significant other
  • and fine tune measuring decisions
  • measure rooms
  • confirm parking tour amenities

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