Sponsorships Available: MHN Executive Facebook Chat

Reach your audience! Now is your chance to become a part of our exclusive Facebook chat with top multifamily executives. MHN’s editors are using social media to conduct LIVE discussions on Facebook. When you become a sponsor, your company will be featured in Multi-Housing News magazine, as well as MHN Daily News. Sponsors receive the following: Mentions/Logo in MHN Daily News Mentions/Logo on the MHN homepage Mentions/Logo on the MHN Facebook banner—before, during and after the event Mentions/Logo on chat transcript on website and in the next edition of MHN magazine For more information contact: Rich Davis [email protected]

New York City Spotlight: Taking Back Space

(commercial foreclosures, through 2Q12)

Buyer’s Market

(investment sales for past 12 months ending April 30, 2012)

‘Foong on Finance’ with Keat Foong: Will the New FHA Rules be Changed Soon?

The more stringent rules HUD announced this summer for the FHA multifamily mortgage insurance program were no surprise. By the time the Mortgage Letter 2010-21 came out on July 6, the multifamily development and financing community already pretty much knew what the main points were going to be.   Among the biggest, and most contested, changes are the decrease in the required the Loan-to-Cost (LTC) from 90 percent to 83.3 percent, for the FHA 221(d)(4) program for market-rate new construction. The Debt Service Coverage ratio (DSC) has also been increased, to 1.20 percent from 1.11 percent. The new requirements make…

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