Wilson Electronics Launches New Cellular Amplifiers
The enterprise products boost cell signals for commercial buildings, including multifamily properties, using a multi-port configuration to improve indoor coverage for residents.
For all the talk of smart homes, many multifamily residents throughout the country still struggle with tech basics like being able to make a cell phone call indoors.
Wilson Electronics has rolled out a new family of enterprise cellular amplifiers that boost cell signals for multifamily properties and other large and mid-sized commercial buildings. The newly launched WilsonPro Enterprise 1300/1300R and 4300/4300R family of products come with improved technology to ensure that residents have access to strong, reliable cell signals regardless of building materials.
Both products integrate what the company calls Multi-Tower Targeting (MTT) technology, which uses three outdoor antenna ports to receive cellular signals from multiple cell towers at the same time. This configuration addresses the problem of signals being blocked by objects and materials such as trees, concrete and steel by dedicating separate outdoor antennas to specific carriers. The products also feature improved uplink power of up to +26 dBm, enabling them to reach cell towers at greater distances.
The Enterprise 1300/1300R amplifier has one indoor antenna port and provides up to 40,000 square feet of indoor coverage, making it optimal for use with mid-sized buildings including multifamily properties, restaurants and retailers. The products also include WilsonPro Cloud remote functionality, which allows users and integrators to manage, monitor, and adjust the devices remotely with a tablet or smartphone.