What Renters Want with Jessica Fiur: How to Get Your Residents [More] Excited for Star Wars
Here are some tips to get your community into a Star Wars: The Force Awakens mood.
By Jessica Fiur, Managing Editor
Did you hear a new Star Wars movie is coming out? Of course you have—it’s not like you’ve been living under a rock on Tatooine or something. In fact, you probably already have your tickets. (And if you don’t, you’re probably not going to be able to see it for quite some time, so stay off the Internet and avoid any human contact if you want to avoid spoilers.) I’m sure a ton of your residents are clamoring to see this. I’m sure you are too. (Not me though. I’ve never even seen the original trilogy. Though I have seen Mel Brooks’ classic masterpiece Spaceballs like 1,000 times, so close enough, right?)
So, property managers, why don’t you get in on the fun? It could be a great excuse to plan activities for the residents and get them really excited to be living there (which of course will hopefully lead to rave reviews on apartment rating sites and great word of mouth about the community).
Here are some tips to get your community into a Star Wars: The Force Awakens mood.
Host a Star Wars movie marathon. Either all of them, or the originals, or whatever you happen to have copies of. Residents could stay for the whole thing, or you can list what times you’ll be playing each movie, and residents can pick which movies they want to show up for. It could be a great refresher before people go see the new movie. Just be sure to give time for bathroom breaks in between. There are a lot of Star Wars movies.