What Renters Want with Jessica Fiur: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and More TV Inspiration for Property Management

A lot of the popular shows that are out now or streaming can provide you with some great property management tips.

jfiur_infocusBy Jessica Fiur, Senior Editor

Surprisingly, you can get a lot of practical inspiration from television that could positively affect your day-to-day business responsibilities. A lot of the popular shows that are out now or streaming can provide you with some great property management tips.

Here are some current and recently finished shows that might give you some ideas for your apartment community.

Game of Thrones—Attention all Mothers of Dragons, you should basically treat this entire show as a “don’t.” Instead of dealing with different factions of the property staff differently (for example, giving the leasing team fancy bonuses while pretty much ignoring maintenance), know that you’re all working towards the same goal—a successful and thriving community. Oh, and speaking of thrones, obviously make sure all the toilets are running properly.

Read the entire blog here.