The Most Effective Email (or Voicemail) in a Salesperson’s Bag of Tricks

It’s so powerful that it can only be used once with a prospect, and like many powerful tools, using it too early will negate its power.

donald davidoffI was talking with one of my clients about sales management, and the topic of how many unanswered follow ups are appropriate before declaring a lead to be ‘lost’. He admitted his company had no standard, but surmised that if they did have one “It would be at least three, maybe four.”

I generally agreed with him that three or four was reasonable, provided he added to that one more email or voicemail…the most powerful and effective email/voice mail in a salesperson’s bag of tricks. It’s so powerful that it can only be used once with a prospect, and like many powerful tools, using it too early will negate its power.

Read the whole blog: The Most Effective Email (or Voicemail) in a Salesperson’s Bag of Tricks