Special Report: NMHC OpTech Twitter Chat Transcript

Recently MHN, Rick Haughey, vice president, industry technology initiatives, NMHC; and Mike Whaling, founder, 30 Lines, hosted a Twitter chat that continued the discussion from the NMHC OpTech conference.

OpTech_Twitter_Missed_FeatureBy Jessica Fiur, Senior Editor

New York—Recently MHN, Rick Haughey, vice president, industry technology initiatives, NMHC; and Mike Whaling, founder, 30 Lines, hosted a Twitter chat that continued the discussion from the NMHC OpTech conference.

Read on for the transcript of the Twitter chat.

Multi-Housing News @MHNonline Dec 4 Welcome to our chat with ‪@apartmentwire, ‪@rhaugheynmhc & ‪@30lines to talk about ‪#NMHCOpTech. Jump in with your questions!

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @MHNonline ‪@rhaugheyNMHC ‪@30lines We’re looking forward to some great conversation. Lots of good stuff discussed at ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 Looking forward to today’s ‪#NMHCOpTech chat! Tune in NOW, ‪#multifamily friends.

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 Here for the ‪#NMHCOpTech chat? Take a moment to introduce yourself and where you’re from. Be sure to use the hashtag so we see you!

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Q1 Package management is a huge topic. What are some best practices involving this? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 The NMHC/ Kingsley survey showed 24% using package tracking software  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Notifii‪ @Notifii Dec 4 .‪@MHNonline Get rid of package log binders and go electronic!!! Package tracking software is cheaper than you think!  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Apartment Chat ‏‪@AptChat Dec 4 Questions for today’s chat will be coming from ‪@MHNonline, so keep an eye out for their tweets! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines‪ @30lines Dec 4 @sarasgraham Hey Sara! So glad you could make it today! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Jordan Nix ‏‪@JordanAnix Dec 4 Hello! Jordan with ‪@modernmsg here! ‪#NMHCoptech

Judith Hyatt Bellack ‏‪@JudyBellack Dec 4 Hola! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman‪ @Apartmentalist Dec 4 A1.As a developer package management has become a major focus when designing buildings. Our package rooms are becoming space hogs! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Any trend data to add to that usage number? Seems like it was a huge topic this year. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @JordanAnix Sweet! Glad to see you here … thanks for chiming in! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Hi Mike, Rick Haughey here, much higher take up of software in high-rise, over 60% ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mindy Sharp ‏‪@MsMin Dec 4 ‪@Notifii ‪@MHNonline Really? How inexpensive? ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC @ApartmentWire Dec 4 Q1 We’re talking package management at ‪#apartments w/ ‪@rhaugheyNMHC ‪@MHNonline. Check out these stats: ‪http://bit.ly/1yWe8Mu   ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham‪ @sarasgraham Dec 4 @Apartmentalist 100% agree. It’s become an important part of our planning. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 Re Q1 for the property mgmt cos: Is software the answer? Do the lockers make life easier for delivery services? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Survey shows package lockers are in their infancy, less than 10%, but self serve 24/7 aspect seems like a real winner ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 @sarasgraham are you considering using the package lockers or are you trying to preserve the human touch point? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Jonathan Saar ‏‪@JonathanSaar Dec 4 Good day to everyone! ‪#nmhcoptech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Speaking of package management, what’s new in the industry with this? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 ‪@sarasgraham Any creative package solutions you like right now? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines‪ @30lines Dec 4 @JonathanSaar Look at this guy. Thanks for dropping in! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 @Apartmentalist No lockers (yet), but we’re testing a package tracking/notification system to help streamline management. You? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Jonathan Saar ‏‪@JonathanSaar Dec 4 ‪@30lines What’s been happening my man!! What’s the topic today? ‪#nmhcoptech

Mike at 30 Lines@30linesDec 4 @JonathanSaar Recapping the ‪#NMHCOpTech conference and the hot button topics discussed in the sessions there.

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Hey ‪@sarahgraham any good stories on strange deliveries? Our panelist talked about a snake.  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 @30lines Really like ‪@PrprtySolutions‘s Package Alert system. We’re testing this on several new lease-ups & urban properties. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Judith Hyatt Bellack ‏‪@JudyBellack Dec 4 In 4 of my last 6 meetings with large operators, package management was cited as a top priority  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Apartment Chat ‏‪@AptChat Dec 4 RT ‪@sarasgraham: Really like ‪@PrprtySolutions‘s Package Alert system. We’re testing this on several new lease-ups & urban props. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 ‪@rhaugheyNMHC A snake?! Whoa. ‪#nothankyou ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Q2 Let’s talk cyber security. Do you have a preparedness plan just in case your company is hit? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 @sarasgraham We’re having trouble figuring where we would put lockers in our high-rises & keep design aesthetics ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 Great question about strangest pkg deliveries, ‪@rhaugheyNMHC! Someone else at ‪#NMHCOpTech mentioned mattresses increasing becoming an issue

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @MHNonline More like *when* your company gets hit. It’s almost an inevitability. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 2013 Resident Preference Survey cited “Package Holding Area” as 2nd most desired amenity behind the fitness center.  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 @Apartmentalist Yes, us too. We’re carving out package rooms in our leasing offices. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Nothing surprises me with packages anymore! The sets of truck four tires always perplexed me! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Kim Duty NMHC ‏‪@kdutyNMHC Dec 4 Summary of the ‪#NMHCOpTech session on data breach is here: ‪http://ow.ly/Fnb7i 

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Bob Lamb ‪@gables at OpTech: “BI is my biggest headache and Security is my biggest fear.” one of my favorite quotes from OpTech. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC I have a hard time believing residents are asking for a “Package Holding Area” as an amenity. Whose survey? ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 #NMHCOpTech chat Q2 focused on cybersecurity. Check out this recent article in ‪@MHNonline on cyberattacks and ‪#apartments.

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Haha Mike, me too, but over 5,000 residents responded to that survey believe it or not & package holding area was #2! ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 More cybersecurity resources for ‪#apartment folks available at ‪http://bit.ly/12BaTOG  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Oops, meant 15,000 respondents ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Wow. With those numbers, apartment companies should pay for Amazon Prime as a renewal gift. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Mike, 2013 NMHC/ Kingsley Resident Preference, I’ll send you the data. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC You don’t think about it until your package is soaked in the rain on your front stoop. Then it’s amazing. ‪#nmhcoptech

Mike Brewer ‏‪@mbrewer Dec 4 @30lines We get the package holding question a lot. ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @30lines ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Love the idea of a Prime membership as a renewal gift! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Love this idea! RT ‪@30lines ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Wow. With those numbers, apartments should pay for Amazon Prime as a renewal gift. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @mbrewer Interesting. Thanks for verifying. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Kim Duty NMHC ‏‪@kdutyNMHC Dec 4 @MHNonline Although Amazon Prime subscription would probably increase package volume for properties 🙂 ‪#freeshipping. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Q3 Since we’re already talking about popular amenities, what are some new ones being offered right now? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 How can the apartment industry be more successful with “word of mouth advertising as presented by Jonah Berger? ‪@j1berger ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @30lines ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Here’s the exec summary from survey that showed pkg holding areas as #2 amenity for ‪#apartment residents ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News @MHNonline Dec 4 Love this idea! RT ‪@30lines ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Wow. With those numbers, apartments should pay for Amazon Prime as a renewal gift. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @mbrewer Interesting. Thanks for verifying. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 How can the apartment industry be more successful with “word of mouth advertising as presented by Jonah Berger? ‪@j1berger ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Focus less on selling the real estate. Give people stories to tell to their friends. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 A3. Pets are our residents new #1 priority ‪#NMHCOpTech  So all things pet related!

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 ‪@MHNonline I heard about “wellness floors” with massage, yoga, noise cancellation walls, pretty cool. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Kim Duty NMHC ‏‪@kdutyNMHC Dec 4 Here in Denver, bike repair rooms are popular.  Some include a “pub” to make it a real “man cave.” ‪#NMHCOpTech.

Multi-Housing News @MHNonline Dec 4 @Apartmentalist What kind of pet amenities do you guys offer? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 @MHNonline For Q3: lots of pet-friendly amenities. One of our newest props, ‪@OneNorthBoston, has an on-site doggie daycare! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines‪  @30linesDec 4 ‪@MHNonline A3 One trend I saw is taking current spaces and making them more fun. Lots of great examples given in the sessions. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec We’re looking at incorporating ‪@BarkStop into our new buildings. Brilliant pet care amenity from ‪@Lindsay_Hyde ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @MHNOnline Great question on ‪#apartment amenities. Here are some thoughts from ‪@Bozzuto ‪@AllResCo ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @sarasgraham Maybe there’s an opportunity to train people’s pets to deliver their packages for them? ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Seems like pets are the thing! Do the amenities cater just to dogs? ‪#whataboutmyboaconstrictor ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 RT ‪@apartminty: So true even for those without pets! ‪@2MStreet has pet ambassador ‪@2Mpup Emmy: ‪http://buff.ly/1tTpB9r  ‪#nmhcoptech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 @30lines Would love some examples! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 @30lines Brilliant. Let’s pitch it at next year’s Launch Pad. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @MHNonline Great examples of fun touches in the coffee lounge, biz center, etc. I love the treadmill desk in the fitness center. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey‪ @rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 I’m going to copyright Go Fetch for my new doggie delivery service ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 A3: Outside of pets, we’re looking at some additional resident programming ideas: meal delivery, etc. ‪#NMHCOpTech

InfoTycoon ‏‪@InfoTycoonNews Dec 4 ‪@MHNonline ‪#NMHCOpTech – See slide 12 for some more dog amenities as mentioned by Melanie French from Cortland ‪http://infotycoon.com/multifamily-webinar-series-5-tips-better-annual-budget-cycle/ …

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 A3.We’re also going back to building Work co-ops/business centers. Seeing tons of residents working from home here in DC‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Drumroll, the 3rd most desired amenity, community wide wi-fi, which is more important pets or wifi?  ‪#NMHCOpTech ‪#sophieschoice

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 ‪@Apartmentalist I think this will come up more and more. ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 Ohhhh, that’s a tough one ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Drumroll, what’s more important: wifi or pets for top ‪#apartment amenity? ‪#NMHCOpTech ‪#sophieschoice

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC I’m shocked packages beat out Wi-Fi! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Holli Beckman ‏‪@Apartmentalist Dec 4 @MHNonline Agreed. We also love the idea of makerspaces. {Workshops for building,painting,sewing}Still working out the details ‪#NMHCOpTech

Notifii ‏‪@Notifii Dec 4 Communities should brag about how fast their Wi-fi/Internet is (if it’s really fast).  May be a factor in rental decisions. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Q4 OK on a more serious note, what’s your business intelligence strategy since the industry has so much data at its fingertips? ‪#NMHCOpTech

StratISbyBuLogics ‏‪@StratISEMS Dec 4 #NMHCOpTech Late to the chat! Installing a pilot of our energy management and control system off Central Park today! Expecting 20% savings!!

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @StratISEMS Thanks for joining the chat today! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Kim Duty NMHC ‏‪@kdutyNMHC Dec 4 Here’s what our pros said about BI at the ‪#NMHCOpTech  Payoff taks time, thought and $$.  ‪http://ow.ly/Fnju8 

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 The advances the industry has made with BI was my number one takeaway from 2014 OpTech, impressed with their progress ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @MHNonline Lots of opportunities to improve marketing (smarter, more targeted, more efficient) through BI. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec Rt “‪@JDerkis: apts will prob start to see trends of ‪#seniorliving: bar, chef, coffee & sundry shop, gathering spaces” ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Can the property mgmt software cos keep up, or do you see more operators going to tools outside the industry? ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Agree on the progress on BI. Lots of talk of dashboards with 3-5 key metrics to provide quick pulse on the biz. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Everybody, what trends should be talking about at the 2015 OpTech Conference in San Diego (Nov.17-19th)?  ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 About 5 minutes left. Anything in particular that you took away from ‪#NMHCOpTech?

StratISbyBuLogics ‏‪@StratISEMS Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC my takeaway said some base education on cloud computing and security might be helpful. ‪#NMHCOpTech

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Looks like we nailed it! ha ha ‪#NMHCOpTech

StratISbyBuLogics ‏‪@StratISEMS Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC some of the advances of the Internet of Things that are applicable would be interesting/exciting. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Apartment Chat ‏‪@AptChat Dec 4 Interested in continuing the conversation? We’re trying to see who wants to keep this going. Sign up: ‪http://eepurl.com/-i8uD  ‪#NMHCOpTech

StratISbyBuLogics ‏‪@StratISEMS Dec 4 @ApartmentWire ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Crushed it! Thanks for having this chat!! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Sara S. Graham ‏‪@sarasgraham Dec 4 @rhaugheyNMHC Loved the Marketing Smackdown session. Major topics, fun, AND interactive. And the mimosas were a nice touch too. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Multi-Housing News ‏‪@MHNonline Dec 4 Thanks, everyone, for participating! This concludes our chat, but feel free to DM ‪@rhaugheyNMHC with more questions. ‪#NMHCOpTech

Apartment Chat ‏‪@AptChat Dec 4 RT ‪@StratISEMS: ‪@ApartmentWire ‪@rhaugheyNMHC Crushed it! Thanks for having this chat!! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 I agree, might have more to say on IOE and smart home tech next year, and mimosas will definitely be back ‪#NMHCOpTech

Mike at 30 Lines ‏‪@30lines Dec 4 Thanks for joining us, everyone … great discussion! Thanks to ‪@ApartmentWire & ‪@MHNOnline for organizing this! ‪#NMHCOpTech

StratISbyBuLogics ‏‪@StratISEMS Dec 4 ‪@sarasgraham ‪@rhaugheyNMHC We missed mimosas?! Can’t wait til next year! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Rick Haughey ‏‪@rhaugheyNMHC Dec 4 Thanks everyone, happy holidays to you all! ‪#NMHCOpTech

Kim Duty NMHC ‏‪@kdutyNMHC Dec 4 @sarasgraham My key takeaway: Girls Rule, Boys Drool. ‪#NMHCOpTech.  Great fun at Room for Debate session.

NMHC ‏‪@ApartmentWire Dec 4 @30lines ‪@MHNonline Thank you guys for throwing out some great questions! ‪#NMHCOpTech