Portfolio Maximizer Allows Real Estate Investment Analysis, Optimization to Be Implemented Quickly
By Anuradha Kher, Online News Editor Needham, Mass.– Resolve Technology has reduced the time and cost of implementation of a new program called Portfolio Maximizer, thereby enabling real estate investment management organizations to start using the solution within days. “In today’s volatile market, where the need for re-forecasting has become greater than ever, real estate…
By Anuradha Kher, Online News Editor Needham, Mass.– Resolve Technology has reduced the time and cost of implementation of a new program called Portfolio Maximizer, thereby enabling real estate investment management organizations to start using the solution within days. “In today’s volatile market, where the need for re-forecasting has become greater than ever, real estate investment managers struggle to make timely decisions based on real data and accurate analysis,” says Eric Forman, Resolve Technology’s CEO. “With this Portfolio Maximizer, we are now able to provide investment managers with a solution they can start using immediately to address these very acute needs.” Portfolio Maximizer allows real estate investment managers to quickly grasp the impact of changing market conditions on their operational cash flows, debt obligations and returns to investors. Using this information, portfolio and fund managers are able to promptly identify potential risks and address them with timely decisions driven by reliable data and advanced analysis tools. Portfolio Maximizer enables managers and analysts throughout the company to: Model partnerships and calculate any distribution waterfalls, no matter how complex;Model and analyze debt obligations; Create multiple what-if scenarios to assess the impact of investment decisions at the fund level; andAutomatically consolidate historical and pro-forma financial and property data to generate investment performance and risk metrics such as IRR, NCREIF Yields, LTV, and DSCR.