New York City to Get Automatic Water Meters
July 24, 2008
By Anuradha Kher, Online News EditorNew York–The Department of Environmental Protection will install a wireless, automatic meter-reading system across New York City, costing $68 million. The effort to modernize the city’s water meters is expected to help save money and water by flagging leaks fast.The network will measure customers’ water use four times a day.…
By Anuradha Kher, Online News EditorNew York–The Department of Environmental Protection will install a wireless, automatic meter-reading system across New York City, costing $68 million. The effort to modernize the city’s water meters is expected to help save money and water by flagging leaks fast.The network will measure customers’ water use four times a day. Readings are now taken four times a year, meaning leaks sometimes linger undetected.DEP says a leaking toilet can waste 250 gallons a day, about $640 a year.The agency says the new system will spot spikes in water use and alert customers to check for leaks. It is expected to take three years to install.