New Home Model at NAHB Show Highlights Housing Changes in Past 20+ Years
February 13, 2008
Orlando, Fla.–The model home built at the annual National Association of Home Builders International Builders’ Show has changed radically from 1984 to now, according to the Los Angeles Times.The New American Home–built to showcase new products and technologies–in 1984 cost less than $100,000 and was 1,500 square feet. The 2008 version in Orlando, Fla. is…
Orlando, Fla.–The model home built at the annual National Association of Home Builders International Builders’ Show has changed radically from 1984 to now, according to the Los Angeles Times.The New American Home–built to showcase new products and technologies–in 1984 cost less than $100,000 and was 1,500 square feet. The 2008 version in Orlando, Fla. is 6,725 square feet; the 2007 home was 5,283 square feet.This year’s plantation-style home is a luxurious abode; by comparison, the 1984 home featured 24-inch on-center framing; an adjustable-stem faucet and instant hot water dispenser; an energy-saving delay-start dishwasher and a heat pump system.The 2008 American Home will be shown to the public today at the show.