Medical Development Near Oslo Gardemoen Airport Grows

Hemfosa Fastigheter AB is announcing that it has committed to the development of an additional project at the Gardemoen Airport health campus in Oslo.

hemfosa hospital oslo gardemoenBy Alex Girda, Associate Editor

Oslo, Norway–Hemfosa Fastigheter AB is announcing that it has committed to the development of an additional project at the Gardemoen Airport health campus in Oslo. The company is supplementing its initial $120 million investment into the project’s development that it announced earlier this year by $24 million. The company will construct a new medical facility at the airport-adjacent healthcare project.

Back in June, Hemfosa announced the creation of the Gardemoen Campus Utvikling company, an entity tasked with the planning and construction of a specialist hospital in the vicinity of Oslo’s airport. The company was created in conjunction with Norwegian property development company Aspelin Ramm Eiendom. GCU then announced a 25-year leasing agreement with the Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization for the hospital. Construction of that facility began this September, and is on track to meet its January 2018 deadline.

Now GCU has announced that a new agreement has been signed with Ullensaker Municipality for the development of a new local medical center. The project aims to provide health care for residents of four nearby municipalities. As Hemfosa owns a 65 percent stake in the joint venture, its contribution to the project will come in at about $24 million.

Development at the new facility is slated to begin next spring, while completion is scheduled for January 2018. GCU has a 30-year leasing agreement in place for the new development that will total nearly 85,000 square feet of space.

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