Inside the May Issue

Read the articles from the latest print issue of Multi-Housing News.

Executive Insight: The Case for a First Time Renter’s Tax Credit

Market-rate renters are a unique bunch, in that, of all the household configurations, they are the only group that isn’t subsidized in one way or another.

Finance & Investment: Hunting Down Alternative Sources of Development Financing

Capital may seem abundant when it comes to the big players and the big projects. For the other guys, obtaining financing for new construction requires some creativity.

Regulatory Matters: Governmental Impediments to Urban Development

Fiscal realities at all levels of government may put a brake on smart urban development, such as resistance to high-speed rail systems and the abolishment of TIFs.

Development & Design: Necessities of the Next Development Boom

Changes in renter demographics, pent-up apartment demand and an improving economy have experts predicting and preparing for a major period of development, and there are certain elements developers will need in order to ride the wave.

Emerging Neighborhoods: Creating and Expanding New York City’s Neighborhoods

The TF Cornerstone strategy is to understand what makes neighborhoods successful and use this knowledge to push the boundaries of existing neighborhoods.

Property Management: Create Value by Improving Customer Satisfaction

As the industry ramps up for the next development boom, existing communities need to focus on staying competitive.

Market Report: Southern California on Its Way Back to Health

SoCal may not return to true health until 2013-2014, but institutional buyers are bidding for quality properties.

Green Beat: Managing the Rising Costs of Water

By the year 2013, 36 states are expected to face a water shortage, and the rate at which costs are expected to rise will require new solutions to resource management.

Products & Services: Integrated Strategies for Eliminating Pests

New approaches to pest control, or “integrated pest management strategies,” are healthier, greener and more economical.

Technology: Determining Rental Leniency in the Wake of a Foreclosure Boom

Over the past few years, many property management companies relaxed their screening standards. Their thinking was that thousands of long-time renters were victims of the last decade’s home mortgage mania.

Perspective: Where Property Prices Stand in Today’s Apartment Market

By one measure, prices are still 30 percent below the previous peak. Other measures indicate they are within 10 percent.