Home Builders Lead Broad Coalition at Rally for Homeownership in Tampa
To highlight homeownership's vital importance to families and to the economy, more than 600 Floridians participated in a Rally for Homeownership today in downtown Tampa.
Tampa, Fla.—To highlight homeownership’s vital importance to families and to the economy, more than 600 Floridians participated in a Rally for Homeownership today in downtown Tampa.
Speakers at the rally included Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn; State Representative Dana Young (R-57); State Representative Janet Cruz (D-58); Chairman of the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners Ken Hagan; and Sylvia Alvarez, executive director of the Housing and Education Alliance.
The rally was held in Joe Chillura Courthouse Square Park in downtown Tampa, and was sponsored by the Tampa Bay Builders Association (TBBA), the Florida Home Builders Association (FHBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
The home-builder groups joined with consumer advocates, civil rights groups, Realtors, local Chambers of Commerce, politicians, church groups and others to highlight the importance of homeownership.
Rally participants represented a broad range of interests including home owners, small business owners, civil rights organizations, church groups, home builders and real estate agents, consumers, business leaders, politicians, merchants and manufacturers, bankers, students and many others.