Connecting with Lenders Online: Are You Making the Right Impression?

They are more willing to take a risk on those operators that have embraced technology. Is your team working smarter—not harder? The apartment owner with a robust platform has more time and money to spend on the asset.

Diana Mosher, Editorial Director MHN

Whether accessed via a smartphone, tablet or laptop computer, your website is a powerful branding tool that speaks volumes to prospects and residents alike. Lenders, too, visit websites to check out all aspects of specific apartment communities in the portfolio, as well as the owner’s web page. The sophistication of your graphic design and photography and how you portray amenities, lifestyle and resident services are key.

So are speed, ease of navigation and, interestingly, neighborhood data that can help lenders form a long-term view of a particular asset. Due diligence will also include a look at what comes up during Google web searches and what sort of comments have been posted on apartment rating sites. It may start with an evaluation of your web presence, but lenders are also increasingly looking at the overall technology picture when making decisions.

Read the entire blog here

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