Editor’s Note

Editorial Director Suzann D. Silverman

Improving ROI Through Proactive Cost Management

With rents rising more slowly and the cost of materials and construction still high, watching operating costs can have a real impact on the bottom line.

Jessica Fiur, Editor-in-Chief

The Importance of Disaster Preparedness at Multifamily Communities

Climate change has caused extreme weather, which could affect apartment buildings. Are you prepared?

Editorial Director Suzann D. Silverman

New Partnerships to Bridge the Affordable Shortage

The need for affordable rental housing can’t easily be met with new construction right now. But a growing number of developers are partnering with community-centered organizations that have excess property and an interest in helping fill the gap.

Jessica Fiur, Editor-in-Chief

The Importance of Images on Apartment Websites

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to attracting prospective residents.

Editorial Director Suzann D. Silverman

AI Joins the Marketing Team

To position your brand most effectively online, you’ll need to find the right balance between AI-written content and human involvement.

Jessica Fiur, Editor-in-Chief

Potential Boon for Affordable Housing

Fannie’s and Freddie’s new higher loan caps point to good things for affordable housing

Editorial Director Suzann D. Silverman

The Longer-Term Benefits of Better Housing

Higher-end features may seem tough to pencil into affordable housing budgets. But that may be short-sighted.

Jessica Fiur, Editor-in-Chief

Trouble on the Horizon for Multifamily Investors?

Higher property taxes and insurance costs are making investors take note. But is it as bleak as it seems?

Editorial Director Suzann D. Silverman

Multifamily Industry Resolutions for a New Year

The commencement of a new year is a natural time to evaluate where things stand and consider improvements for the future. I’ve put together a list of New Year’s resolutions for the apartment industry.

Jessica Fiur, Editor-in-Chief

Focus on Value-Add Renovations for Big Gains

While it might be tempting for developers to focus on new builds, you can get a lot of bang for your buck by improving the properties you already own.